Houston Trafficking: A Narrative on Modern Day Prostitution
[I unlocked the door to give Goldie the bag back. As I opened my door, he all of the sudden charged through the entrance to my loft, knocking me over. He sprinted upstairs chasing after Allie. She was standing at the top of the stairs and retreated back into my bedroom when she saw that Goldie had forced his way into my place. Was this really happening? This fucking pimp had just run up in my spot. This is TEXAS for fucks sake. Doesn’t he know I can legally shoot his ass dead if I had a gun? Unfortunately, I had no gun at this time. I ran up the stairs in pursuit and as I got to my room, he was screaming at Allie to give him her phone. As she reached out to hand it to him, he slapped it out of her hand, grabbed her by the hair, and slammed her to the ground. He then started stomping on this girl right in front of my bed. I ran up from behind him, grabbed his shoulders, and flung him backwards against my wall. “Get the fuck off her!” As he regained his footing, he now came straight at me. “Oh, what’s up playboy?!? You want some of this too?!?” We squared up against each other in my room and I found myself in a one on one fight for the first time since middle school. Only this time it wasn’t one of my classmates, this time I was squaring off with a Houston pimp that went by name King Goldie…]
How the fuck did I end up in this shit? In retrospect, I now see it was a series of bad decisions that incrementally built up, one on top of the other, accumulating into this home invasion.
As I mentioned in earlier posts, my first resource to seek out tweaker girls originated with Craigslist and Backpage. Over time, my strategy evolved to primarily using eccie.net and p411.net. These are pay-for sites where both Johns (someone seeking the services of an escort/prostitute) and escorts create online user profiles and share information regarding escorting. There are forums for reviewing activities that took place in strip clubs, massage parlors, and with streetwalkers, but mostly its geared for one-on-one private sessions. The Johns refer to themselves as “hobbyists” and the girls are “providers.” I feel a little bad being that I am about to completely narc them out, but again, I doubt anyone will really raise a fuss about some random recovering meth addicts blog.
Once you learn how these sites operate, arranging a session with a girl that does exactly what you like is literally as easy as finding a restaurant with food that you like. In the modern-day prostitution industry, low, middle and upper-class Johns no longer have to drive down shady and dark alleys seeking scantily clad hookers. All research, discussion, and scheduling of sessions is completed online. The barriers to entry for these sites, for both the Johns and the girls, are overcome via a peer-to-peer verification process. The more seasoned, careful, and prudent escorts will not accept appointments from “newby” clients that have not been verified or have no previously verified reviews. Some of the newer and less experienced girls will see newbies and this is how one gains access to the deeper Premium subscription levels. A cursory glance at Eccie and P411 doesn’t reveal anything blatantly illegal to be occurring. The users post reviews of girls and not much detail is visible. Mostly the average visitor to the site can only view a couple of sentences that describe, from a very high level, how their session went (i.e. this girl has a pretty face, looks like her pictures and is nice and accommodating type shit.) What isn’t easily visible is the world of hidden comments and specific details only revealed to Premium Subscription and/or verified users. When you have these deeper levels of access, the full range of services that each girl provides is revealed.
The premium users and mods share, with great detail, each and every sexual act each girl provides. Some of these guys write out page long novel-type entries of their sessions. They use acronyms so that they aren’t explicitly saying that this girl sucked my dick or let me put it in her ass. There are more than 50 different acronyms detailing specific sexual acts. Using these acronyms, the hobbyists share information such as this girl will French kiss you, give or receive unprotected oral, sodomy, engage in roleplay, whips, toys…etc. The Johns on Eccie and P411 are not uneducated. There are many well respected men operating at all tiers of society. Doctors, surgeons, lawyers, pilots, respected business men etc… It was fascinating to see the personalized messages sent to these girls from these guys. Shit got both pretty hilarious and creepy at the same time as one might imagine. Some of these guys are really something else. I remember Paisley showed me a message from this one dude trying to schedule an appointment with her. I am going to try to recreate his tone and vibe as best I can, lol. It went something like this:
Paisley, you are quite stunning and I know you and I could have a special relationship superior to others you have become familiar with. I have the ability to not only spend intense physical intimacy with you on an exciting and new level, but I can also significantly improve the quality of other areas of your life; beyond just monetarily of course. I am CEO of my own company and can provide you with expert business guidance and world class strategic advice. I would also like to teach you tennis if you fancy reaching new levels of peak athletic performance. I can teach you to not only play tennis, but show you how to play competitively at the highest levels of competition. I would be willing to take you under my wing and show you how to unlock the successful competitive persona that lays dormant inside of you. Let me unlock the tigress inside of you. I also enjoy golfing and can show you on an almost professional level how to golf at the highest levels of competition. I have won many golf and tennis competitions on almost every…blah blah blah blah blah…
You get the point. This guy was so douchey and full of himself. He saw himself setting an appointment with Paisley as something that would ultimately benefit her and change her life. We laughed our assess off at this dude. It was unreal. I think he ended up wanted her to peg him, lmao. This other girl I know told her John that he needed to bring the “party hats.” In escort lingo she meant for him to bring condoms. This dude showed up with actual plastic fucking party hats, lol. These girls charged somewhere around $200/250 for an hour-long session so for the most part, these dudes were not poor.
The appointments set from Craigslist and Backpage are done with the girls not having any idea who the fuck they are meeting. This is the lowest paying and highest risk site for them to conduct business on. The girls on Eccie are a step up from Craigslist. They can at least read the profile of the Johns and see what girls they have visited in the past. The girls are pretty good about looking out for one another and sharing information with each other. Was he a creep? Did he have good hygiene? Did he tip? If so, how much? A fair amount of the Eccie girls are independent of any type of male support or assistance. They rely on the website and each other to not only ensure the person they are meeting with isn’t a cop; but also for their own safety and well-being.
P411 is by far the most expensive of the referral websites and has the most desirable pool of Johns. P411 users are discrete and paying four or five times what it costs to be on eccie.net. They also typically pay more per session. P411 has a more restrictive policy for girls to advertise and also higher barriers to entry for the Johns. Multiple layers of verification including IDs and referrals from both johns and other girls are required.
As I became immersed in underground game rooms, meth dealing, and fraud, I unfortunately also became immersed in this whole escort world. A handful of these girls that became good friends of mind witnessed my entire 2.5 year long decline from working professional with a job, to divorced single meth dealer, to homeless fraudster addict living out of hotels.
This one particular night a few months after I had started dealing, I had called two girls over to my place for a session. I would often use the Periscope app to broadcast time spent with these girls across the internet. Periscope is a free app that lets you create your own web broadcast directly from your phone and share it to users around the world. I got into this whole phase where I would use the app to broadcast myself with random pretty girls. With this app, you have to keep it PG or Periscope would ban your broadcast and your account so it’s not like we were doing anything too explicit. I developed a following of users and at one point had over 50,000 people following my account so that as soon as I hit broadcast, I would immediately have an audience of several thousand people watching us. They can see and hear everything broadcast from my phone and they comment on whatever is being broadcast.
When these two girls came over that night, we smoked a bunch of ice and spent the whole night broadcasting on Periscope. No sex was involved this entire time. Their clothes never even came all the way off. We got really high and just messed around with music and taking pics with my DSLR camera. At one point there were 8,000 people tuned into the broadcast watching our little show. I found that when you tell a girl there are 8,000 people around the world watching her and they are all commenting on how sexy and pretty she is, they totally eat that shit up. At one time one of the girls picked up a huge meth shard and got down on one knee and fake proposed to the other girl like she was asking her to marry her with the fat rock, lol. We hid all paraphernalia and drugs from plain sight, and people watching couldn’t really tell it was a huge meth rock in her hands. If Periscope picked up on that, they would cut the broadcast and we would lose the audience. These girls were both probably around 22 and both of them were smoking hot. Allie was a skinny brunette with a deep southern accent from Alabama and Marie was a skinny blonde ex-cheerleader from Dallas. These girls were younger than the age I typically hung out with, I actually accidentally booked them thinking they were two completely different girls. I had been up for days when I did this and wasn’t thinking clearly. When I answered the door and saw it wasn’t who I was expecting I was a bit pissed at myself, but they both did ice and were fun so it ended up being a good night in my book. As we got more comfortable with each other they opened up to me and told me how they were both working for a pimp that went by the name King Goldie. They complained about him being an asshole that overworked them and hit them and shit. I didn’t really care as I saw them as being willing participants, but there is definitely more to that type of relationship one would think. Either way I didn’t think much of it. Just kind of said, “Damn that sucks! Sucks to be yall!” type shit. Whatever, it wasn’t my problem and I didn’t really think anything more than that. I kind of wondered why you just don’t leave him? Anyways, after a couple hours passed, they said they had to run and asked if they could come back the next day “off the clock” to just hang out and get high. Of course they could. Shit, that’s kind of exactly what I was going for. Come hang out with me when the pimp isn’t expecting y’all to report back to him with a wad of cash at a specified time. Sure enough, that next evening, they called and came over “off the clock.”
We got high and Allie told me that they had a favor to ask of me. She told me that they had packed all their shit in the car and just took off. They had decided to try and run away from Goldie. I asked about the car and they said it was in his name, but that they paid for it so they didn’t feel bad about taking it. And also, Goldie has a White BMW 750 that was his main car anyways. I didn’t like where this was heading but I asked what type of favor they were talking about.
They said all they wanted to do was stay at my place for that one night and then they would take off together in the morning and keep running away from him. “Fuck it,” I said. “Sure. Y’all can stay with me just for tonight. Y’all are going to have to bounce in the morning though. No way can I have y’all staying with me.”
No sexual shit went down with either girl on either of these nights. We mostly got high on ice and played around with my camera and periscope just kind of fucking around. Sometime around sunrise, Marie had been quietly stuck on her phone for a while and all of the sudden she just stood up and ran out of my place and took off in the car. Didn’t say anything, she just left. Okayyyy… that’s kind of weird for her to just dip out like that. Allie tried calling her and she didn’t answer. I wasn’t quite sure what make of that nor did I think I had to do anything. Allie said she didn’t know why she left and she didn’t seem to stress it. Whatever then, I assumed she would come back. A little less than an hour later…
LOUD bangs on the door. I knew immediately with knocking like that, it had to be the pimp. My first thought was to answer the door quickly and with purpose and conviction so that this pimp didn’t think I was hiding from him or scared of him. I ran down the steps and quickly opened the door to an angry 5ft 11ish mid-20’s year old looking skinny black dude with dreds, gold teeth, and a big gold chain.
That fucking bitch Marie was standing behind him and there were two vehicles that they had come over in. One was a white BMW and the other I think was a Jeep. In addition to Marie, I saw an older white lady and big black girl and maybe another girl. There were no other males that I saw at this point, but again that was a quick glance behind him in the span of a couple of seconds. Goldie immediately got in my face:
“Yo, my BITCH is in there and I need that hoe outside right now! We gotta go!”
“Nah man, she’s not going with you. She’s gonna stay here. She’s not gonna be with you no more.”
I surprised myself saying this. If I wasn’t high I don’t think I would have. Looking back, most of that confidence stemmed from the logistics of where my loft was located in the Heights. I thought surely, he’s not going to cause a scene in this neighborhood. The Houston Heights is some upscale shit. This isn’t the Fifth or Third Ward. This young black pimp with dreds yelling and making noise in the morning daylight sticks out like a sore thumb and the cops or my neighbors would not hesitate to take this guy down. I figured he would bitch at my door and then eventually just leave as I threatened to call the cops. I mean, what else could he do?
“The fuck you mean she’s not going!? That’s MY hoe motherfucker I want her back! BITCH YOU GET OUT HERE!”
“Look man she’s not going with you. Shes gonna stay here and ain’t gonna be going with you no more.”
Again, what’s he going to do? Break into my house? This is fucking Texas. He had to assume that I was strapped and would shoot his ass if he came into my domicile.
“What the fuck look man that’s my BITCH and that’s MY shit she has in her bag. I paid for that bitches phone and I paid for all her clothes. That’s MY shit inside that house and I want MY SHIT back!”
I turned back to the girl and said “is that true?” “Is that his stuff?” She kind of sheepishly answered back and said “yeah it is, I mean he did buy me all of my clothes and he pays for my phone so it is kind of his.” Ughhh this girl.
“Alright man chill. Wait right there and I’ll get your shit together. Give me a minute.”
I shut and locked the door and told her to bring me her bag of shit and “his” cell phone. I gathered it up next to the door and I bundled it up to hand out to the dude. When I opened the door to give it to him, this motherfucker shoves open my door and barges his way into my place, knocking my ass over. This pimp just ran into my house. I could have legally shot and killed this dude. He’s either ballsy as fuck or just insane. I think Marie told him the layout of my loft because he immediately ran up my stairs to where my bedroom and Allie were. I pursued him up my stairs and when I got to my room Allie was trying to hand him the cell phone. He smacked it out her hand, grabbed her by the neck, and then threw her ass on the ground. He then started stomping on this poor girl right in front of my bed. I ran up from behind him and grabbed his shoulders and threw him back off of her. “Get the fuck off of her man!” I think I said something lame like that. As he regains his footing on the other side of my room he now turns on me and starts yelling and coming at me. “Oh, what’s up playboy?!? You want some of this too?!?” We squared up against each other in my room and I found myself in a one on one fight for the first time since middle school. Me and fucking King Goldie going at it…like wtf. I know what you are thinking. I swear this is all true. It sounds weird putting these events on paper and trying to objectively describe the events of that day, but I don’t think people realize that type of shit is really not that uncommon in a meth addict’s world. The drug just manifests into these chaotic and absurd type of situations. Sit down and talk to anyone that was a meth dealer for a considerable amount of time and I am sure they will have much crazier stories than my shit. Anyways, back to my bedroom…
So Goldie came at me and threw a couple of sloppy punches. He was taller than me, but skinnier and didn’t have much meat on him. I swung back and it was a messy short-lived squabble. Neither of us really connected or landed anything. It definitely wasn’t a very man’s man, mano a mano, type of fight. It was more hesitant posturing with sloppy engagement on both sides. When he came at me I ended up tying him up a bit and shoved him back against my wall. As he came back at me, literally out of nowhere, this 250 lbs. black chick comes running up my stairs into the room getting in front of my face screaming “STOP! STOP! DAT’S MY BROTHER!” “DAT’S MY BROTHER!”
When she got in the middle of Goldie and I, Goldie was able to grab Allie by the hair and fucking drag her down my stairs. I was being pass blocked by the fat black girl and wasn’t sure what to do. Allie had no choice but to get dragged down my stairs and as some space passed between me and the big girl and them, I start to think that she is going to end up going with him. I thought for a second, “Shit, I think I failed this girl.” However, at the bottom of the stairs, Allie was able to wrestle free from his grip and lock herself in my downstairs bathroom. By this time, I am coming down the steps behind the big girl, pretending to be on my phone, and screaming at them to “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! THE COPS ARE ON THE WAY!” As I am screaming this and coming down my steps, this other middle aged older white trashy looking lady stuck her head in and asked like “what the fuck is going on?!!?” This was one of Goldie’s older and thicker girls. “Oh, just leave that bitch here! She ain’t worth it! Let’s just get out of here!”
Goldie was banging on my bathroom door and it became obvious that Allie was not going to unlock it. My computer desk happened to be situated close to my bathroom door and as Goldie stops banging on the door to leave, he decides to pick up my printer with both hands, raise it above his head, and smash it into pieces on my floor. I was still on the steps being blocked from going down by this big black girl and still wasn’t sure what to do other than keep yelling to get out and that the cops were coming. I did have my phone to my ear, but I had so much contraband in my place no way was I actually going call the real cops. On his way out he smashed another picture frame and threw a porcelain rooster that shattered against my wall. With that he and his hoes took off and left. The cops never came. This all went down in less than 5 minutes from the time he barged in to the time he left.
My place was trashed. My heart was racing. But shit he didn’t get the girl so that’s cool. I knocked on the bathroom door and told her that he was gone. She opened it and was pretty banged up. Neck was all red. Hair was disheveled. Almost immediately, my phone rang and Goldie was on the other line.
“Aye playboy, in this game. If a pimp want to take another pimps girl he got to pay the man.”
“Dawg, I ain’t no pimp man, I’m just helping this girl out” (paused and thought a second) “But how much you asking?”
“Shit, I want a stack”
A stack ($1,000) was nothing to me at this time.
“Alright bet” I said.
“Man come man, you don’t really want that hoe. Just give me that girl back, trust me you don’t want that girl.”
“Nah man, I can do the thousand. No problem just tell me when and where.” Goldie had taken her ID in the mayhem so I also told him if I was going to pay the thousand I at least wanted her ID back.
“Alright then playboy. I’ll tell you where in a minute.”
What sucked about all of this is that this guy knew where I lived. He had already come into my house once. I figured if I could pay a thousand bucks and make him go away that wasn’t any sweat to me. Then Allie would be free to escape and I could be the hero here. As I’m typing this out in retrospect, I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. It just all happened so quick and I did whatever I knew to do to make this guy go away. This all made a lot more sense to me at the time.
I had the cash already in my closet so we set up for the exchange to occur in a Burger King bathroom. I was to place a trash bag with the cell phone and cash in a dumpster outside and then go inside the bathroom to pick up her ID which was supposed to be under the bathroom trash can. I dropped the trash bag in the dumpster and went to the bathroom. The ID wasn’t in there. Of course. I texted him back that the ID wasn’t there, but he ignored that request. His last text to me went something like…
“Actually playboy I set up my potna to come blast up your spot. They the ones picking up the money so you just funded your own demise playboy”
He didn’t actually do anything like that. I never heard from him again until many months later when I ended up helping Marie get away from him too.
I went back to check on Allie and she was pretty out of it. When she felt good enough to get out of bed, I told her that she was free to go. Lmao, I wont forget this, I was like, excited for her. Like I was releasing a bird back into the wild type shit. “You’re free! He’s gone forever! You can go back home! Isn’t that awesome!? Don’t worry about paying me back! Just pay it forward someday and don’t forget me type shit. Her response: “Uhhhh…I have nowhere to go. My family is in Alabama and they don’t want me and I don’t have any money, ID, or cell phone so where am I supposed to go?”
Shit…I hadn’t seen that coming. “Can I just stay with you for a while?” She asked. I honestly was not expecting this. Swear to god I wasn’t expecting this. Only because she was hot as fuck and nice did I allow it. “Just for a little bit though. We will get you your ID and then I’ll help you get a bus back to Alabama. Cause you can’t live with me.”
I honestly felt bad for this girl. She got roughed up in my place and the only reason she didn’t get taken by the pimp is because she wrestled herself free at the bottom of the stairs. I think I felt a little bad about that part. We started working to get her a replacement ID, but both being one ice we didn’t make much progress very quickly on that. Being that I was dealing and had electronics all over the place from bartering with meth heads, I was like here, you can use this IPhone 5 (which was a nice phone at the time) “oh, it’s the white one, I love this phone!” It felt good to spoil this girl a little because her reaction to it was like no one had ever treated her like that before.
“Well here, you can also use this old MacBook to work on getting your replacement ID.” It wasn’t anything fancy. It was an older white MacBook that I got for a quarter of ice. I went about dealing and took her with me everywhere I went. Being that she was young and something new and deep down a sweet girl, I developed a fondness for her.
I introduced Allie to Sawyer and his crew. She got super nervous at first because they are all younger black thug looking dudes, but when she saw that they were nice and also gay, she loosened up quite a bit. She got to relax a little and we went hot tubbing just her and I. These are pictures I took of her on Sawyers rooftop with the hot tub in the Heights.

This picture of Allie was on one of the first days she stayed with me. It must have been a welcoming change of environment for her. She could let her guard down a bit for the first time in a while. She was no longer being pimped out and forced to fuck all these dudes. All she had to do was hang out with me, enjoy as much ice as she wanted, and work on getting her ID back.
On the third day or so she came up to me out of the blue and said something like “Hey, so I really want to pay you back for helping me out. I have an appointment booked to meet this regular of mine tonight. Will you drive me there?”
“Oh hey you don’t need to do that, I told you that you don’t have to pay me back.” “I can buy you some clothes and you can keep the phone, you just cant stay here with me long term”
“Ok, yeah I know, but I want some money and I can give you some and I don’t mind. This guy is a good client and I already booked it so I kind of need to go now other wise he may post a bad review for me online.”
“Well alright, I guess I can take you.” I swear to God I had no intention of taking advantage of this girl. She offered this to me out of nowhere and I regretfully hopped on board with it. I should have just sent her on a bus back to Alabama and been done with it, but she was fucking hot and young and now interested in me. Plus she played the whole “nowhere to go” bit with me, which I figured was true. It was such a strange and fucked up situation all around.
I dropped her off and waited around for a couple of hours kind of nervous. I had never done anything like this at this point. After the session, she sat in my car and immediately handed me $500 cash. Just casually handed it over like it was second nature. She didn’t break me off half. She didn’t tip me or give me $100 out of $500. She gave me 100% of the money she made and then asked me if I would buy her something to eat because she was hungry. Like wtf. This girl was under some Stockholm syndrome type shit with Goldie.
Allie and I’s relationship played out as one would expect. Sometime around like the 4th or 5th day of her staying with me we ended up hooking up and things just kind of went awry after that. Allie complained that she had a toothache. I looked in her mouth and saw she had a rotting out tooth so I took her to the dentist and dropped like $700 in cash for her to have it removed with anesthesia.
Yes, she gave me that $500, but between the dentist and Goldie she had now cost me $1,700, a picture frame, and my printer. I am ashamed to say that when Alli flashed that $500 to me that she earned in two hours on her own, the selfish and addict part of me saw dollar signs and was like, damn this girl is hot as fuck, nice, and she’s giving me a bunch of cash? Hard to deny the different levels of attractiveness she held. Being that we were now kind of hooking up, I let her decide if she wanted to keep escorting. I never once forced her or even asked her to set appointments. I told her that if she didn’t want to escort, she didn’t have to and I preferred that she didn’t. I was friends with a strip club manager and told her she could do that if she wanted or she could get any other job for the time being anywhere until she got her ID and shit together.
This was all terrible half-assed decision making on my part. Part of me told her she needed to leave, part of me was hooking up with her, part of me was taking money from her, part of me was paying out the ass for her. I was all over the place. Now our new level of hooking up relationship complicated everything to a new level. In hindsight, I still don’t see any bad intentions with this girl. She was just doing what any addict girl does; whatever they can think of to stay around the drugs. I was the drugs at this point and I entertained her staying with me because she was a young pretty girl. I justified my actions by operating under the incorrect assumption that I saved this girl in some way. I now see that was wrong of me and I am sorry for doing that.
Around the fourth week or so, Allie had decided she didn’t need to even try to contribute anymore and just started staying at my place getting high. I didn’t really give a fuck at this point. I didn’t mind having her around until she started slipping and doing dumb shit. She broke the iPhone and the laptop I gave her. I gave her another iPhone and laptop… she had those for a while and then broke those too. Fuck. Then she just lost interest and would get high all day. Like a child, she started testing me to see how much she could get away with. I can’t blame her. She wasn’t an evil girl or bad person. She was just a fellow addict lost deep in her addiction and had all the sudden come across an endless supply of free drugs and lodging. I’m sure that fucked with her head.
After she broke the second iPhone I mentally added up how much this girl was costing me and I said “alright look, I get if you don’t want to escort or strip, you don’t have to, but you can’t just sit around and do drugs all day and break all my shit. As time passed and she did more and more drugs she started to straight up disrespect me and my home. She was messy. Wouldn’t clean up shit. One trip to Dallas together changed everything with our relationship.
Allie came with me to pick up some ice and G from Arielle. I had told Arielle the whole story of how she ended up with me. I brought Allie to Arielle’s place and introduced them to each other. Like I said earlier, Allie was a nice southern girl with a funny Alabama accent and made a great, innocent, first impression. Arielle took sympathy on her story and asked about her family back in Alabama and how she got to where she was in her life. Arielle didn’t get jealous of Allie. Remember Arielle has been in the meth game a long time and knows how it goes with male meth dealers and tweaker girls. A heavy rotation of girls is just part of the lifestyle and she understood that. Arielle at one point, however, said something that stuck with me. She asked me if I really cared about this girl. I told her “Yeah, I guess I kind of feel responsible for her.”
“Alphatweaker, this girl has fallen in love with you. She is obsessed with you. Look at her notebook have you seen this?”
Allie had scribbled my name over and over again in a journal I had given her. She had her passwords for her email and escort accounts in this journal and her passwords were like “Alphatweakerismyhero420” and “ilovealphatweaker4ever” type shit.
“Uhhh yeah I saw that. What’s your point though Arielle?”
“Alphatweaker, you are a meth dealer. You are feeding this poor girl a bunch of drugs and basically pimping her out.”
I took immediate offense to that comment at the time. “The fuck I am! Fuck you Arielle! I am not pimping this girl out. I have never forced her or arranged for her to have sex with anyone.”
“Yeah, but you took all of her money right?”
“Well yeah, but she wanted me to have it!” “She felt like she owed it to me since I dropped so much cash on her”
“Are you hearing yourself right now, Alphatweaker? If you really care about this girls well-being, you need to do the right thing and get her as far away from you as possible. You will only worsen things in her life. You are toxic to this girl right now.”
That was some profound shit. It made me pause and think. Arielle had a point. I had never had to entertain that type of thought before in any type of relationship I had ever been in. I was always a smart and educated and motivated individual. All of my past girlfriends’ parents had always thought the world of me. I was a good student and positive influence. That was nowhere near the case now. Now I was about as bad of an influence as one could be. Especially dealing with addiction and drug type shit. I thought fuck, I am probably no more of a positive influence on this girl than Goldie was. I wasn’t physically abusive to her so I thought that was enough at the time. Arielle commented that her and I were having this conversation as Allie was passed out downstairs from drinking too much GHB. Arielle is the one that gave her the big dose though and I called her out on that, but still. I couldn’t deny what she was saying.
On the way back to Houston, we stopped off in Austin for me to drop off some shit. Allie trashed my fucking car and I left her in the hotel room while I went to drop off the shit. I was already annoyed that she had trashed my car when I got back, but I had also specifically told her to not smoke in the hotel room. We had the room at the end of the fucking hall right next to the door so all she had to do was step outside to smoke. When I got back, the front desk stopped me and told me that she had smoked in the hotel room and I now owed a $250 penalty fee for it. “What? Are you serious?”
Fuck. Another $250 down the drain. The hotel room was like $80 and I only got it so that she could be somewhere safe cause she couldn’t come with me to drop off this package this time. I got super pissed. On the way out I stopped at the front desk and made Allie watch me count out the $250 fine in cash. “See what you fucking cost me?” She was high and got mouthy at me in my car. “It was a fucking mistake Alphatweaker!! Are you so fucking perfect you never make mistakes?!”
“Yes, but you are making mistakes like every fucking minute of every fucking day girl!”
As we were yelling in my car she acted all dramatic style and sets her hands on her legs and in so doing burned a hole in my car seat.
That shit set me off. I remember screaming “God dammit!!! Did you just fucking burn my seat??” “You did! What the fuck ALLIE?!!?”
“No! I didn’t make that it was already there!”
“Allie! It’s still fucking burning!! It just happened right now! I fucking SAW IT!”
“Oh you have never burned a seat before?! Are you that perfect?!”
When she said that I saw red and all of the sudden had a moment of clarity. I just realized something that I had never understood in my life before. I remember saying…
“I get it…I fucking get it now…I see why he does it. It all makes so much sense to me now.”
“You get what? What makes sense?!”
“I get why Goldie fucking SLAPS y’all! It’s like a shortcut to trying to explain dumb shit to you and trying to argue logically with you. You don’t make any sense and just say dumb shit anyways so why even try when I can just slap you and move on! It’s like a shortcut! I get that now!”
She did not like my saying this…like at all. She didn’t get mad though, I think she got scared and I felt terrible. It’s a fucked up thing to say to someone in that helpless of a position. I only shared this thought with her though, I have never, ever, hit a female at any time in my life. I quickly dropped it and made sure she knew that no matter how angry I would get with her, I would never lay a hand on her like that. These tweaker girls though. They are like kids. They test your limits. They try to get away with the minimal amount of work and maximum amount of whatever it is that they want to do. I let her know that we needed to find somewhere else for her to stay.
I did not feel comfortable leaving her with any tweaker friends of mine, but there was this one escort friend of mine, Kalli, that was not at all into ice. In fact, she was very much against that drug. She was a single, divorced mom, that lived alone in her own house. Kalli had a pretty interesting back story. She was from Salt Lake City and used to be married and relatively established in the Mormon community. Her weed habit and methods for dealing with anxiety led to her divorce, ex-communication, and children leaving to live with their father. Her ex-husband provided her with enough assets to buy a house and have some spending money, but she escorted to increase her standard of living to the level she wanted. She smoked a lot of weed and that was pretty much it. No hard shit and by far the most level head and calm environment of any of my other friends at the time. Kalli had an extra room in her house and said that the she wouldn’t mind having her come stay and work with her. Kalli gave her her own room and a much safer and less chaotic environment than my place. In total, I think Allie was with me somewhere around 2-3 months.
As one might imagine, things did not work out well at Kalli’s at all. As she did at my place, Allie became lazy and messy and disrespectful to Kalli. She didn’t want to strip or escort or go out and get a full-time job of any kind. When I went over to check on her, I felt guilty about ditching her and would slip her some ice. I guess I felt guilty for having pawned her off like that but I just couldn’t sustain supporting her safely with the shit I was involved in at the time. I later heard that Kalli and Allie got into a heated argument and Allie jumped out of her car at a gas station and just started walking up to random gangster looking black dudes asking them if they would give her a ride. Right back into the shit.
I was pissed at Kalli when I heard that was the last time she saw her. All that work, all that money, all that assistance to try and help this girl and she was right back at the same shit she fled. I am sure my constant offering of ice and meth did not help things in her life. I assumed she could handle the drug for some reason. I was selfish and have guilt about not being a better person for that girl, but I did what I thought was my best at the time. I have to admit that Arielle was spot on with what she said. If I really cared about this girl, I needed to remove myself from her as much as possible because I was going down in flames at that time.
The only ray of positive light in this story is that a few months after she left Kalli’s place, I saw Allie had created a new Facebook. She had put on a lot of weight, which usually means she was off ice. It looked like she was living with some younger dude closer to her age and it said that she was a server in a restaurant back in Alabama. That’s the last I have seen or heard of from her. I reached out to her on that Facebook page to see how she was doing and she never responded. She also never posted any new posts or updated any pics on that site. It was like a brief snapshot into her current life at that time and then she disappeared again.
If anyone is curious about Goldie, here is a very recent news article on his getting busted. It looks like some of the girls that he used to traffic turned him in. I am just assuming that, I have no confirmation as to what ultimately led to his charges or arrest. By sheer coincidence, it looks like just 5 days ago he pleaded guilty. He is looking at up to life in prison.
I am not sure what the answer is when it comes to prostitution. Whether it should be regulated or whether authorities should continue spending valuable resources combatting the world’s oldest profession. As is with just about every tough issue, the answer probably lays somewhere in the middle. You can shut down all of the escorting websites in the world; the Johns will still find a way.
This was a great read. I’ve read all of your entries and found them interesting but this one is by far my favorite. I will admit that I’m a bit biased because I am a trauma therapist and work with victims of crime including human sex trafficking. I’ve been to numerous trainings on how to identify and work with these victims and have read various accounts of trafficking from both victims and helping professionals, but I very much enjoyed reading your perspective as someone on the fringes of this world while, quite frankly, having absolutely zero fucking clue as to what was going on and why these victims remain in the life for so long. Despite your good intentions your account with Allie shines a spotlight on how hard it is to work with these victims and get them out without a better understanding of their trauma and their own needs for recovery.
Thank you for sharing this and doing so in an authentic and nonjudgemental manner. I hope that Allie has been able to maintain her recovery and the same goes for Marie. 💚
Wow that was quite a read. Thank you so much for sharing! Keep it up with staying clean. I’m right there with you
These blogs are really good. Keep it up please
Thanks for the great writing. I hope you are getting better, physically and mentally. I hope this writing is still therapeutic for you. Wish you the best
Thank you for sharing. As others have mentioned, you have an incredible way of writing that makes for a great read. Thanks again for getting so personal. Hope you continue on your path of growth. Stay strong.
You still alive? Been almost a month bro.